| Dry Coast Hinterland Grassland |
| Eastern Temperate Freshwater Wetlands |
| Eastern Valley Bushveld |
| Freshwater Lakes |
| Highveld Alluvial Vegetation |
| KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Belt Grassland |
| KwaZulu-Natal Coastal Belt Thornveld |
| Northern Coastal Forest |
| Pondoland-Ugu Sandstone Coastal Sourveld |
| Scarp Forest |
| Subtropical Alluvial Vegetation |
| Subtropical Coastal Lagoons |
| Subtropical Estuarine Salt Marshes |
| Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands |
| Subtropical Seashore Vegetation |
| Swamp Forest |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Active Open Space 2 |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Controlled Area |
| Core Mixed Use 1 |
| Core Mixed Use 2 (Public Garage) |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Education 2 |
| Extractive Industry |
| Institution 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 3 |
| Medium Impact Industrial |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 3 (Service Station, Garage) |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Railway |
| Residential Estate/Smallholding |
| Residential Only 2 |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential Only 5 |
| Residential Only 6 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 3a |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 3 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Small Holding/ Residential Estate |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 1 |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 2 (Resort) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Extractive Industry |
| Low Impact Industrial 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 3 |
| Medium Impact Industrial |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 3 (Service Station, Garage) |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Railway |
| Residential Estate/Smallholding |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential Only 6 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 3 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Active Open Space 2 |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Controlled Area |
| Core Mixed Use 1 |
| Core Mixed Use 2 (Public Garage) |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Education 2 |
| Extractive Industry |
| Institution 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 3 |
| Medium Impact Industrial |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 3 (Service Station, Garage) |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Railway |
| Residential Estate/Smallholding |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential Only 6 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 3a |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 3 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 1 |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Extractive Industry |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 3 (Service Station, Garage) |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Railway |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| River Reserve |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Active Open Space 2 |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Controlled Area |
| Core Mixed Use 1 |
| Core Mixed Use 2 (Public Garage) |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Education 2 |
| Extractive Industry |
| Institution 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 1 |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 3 |
| Medium Impact Industrial |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 3 (Service Station, Garage) |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Railway |
| Residential Estate/Smallholding |
| Residential Only 2 |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential Only 6 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 3a |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 3 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 1 |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| <all other values> |
| |
| Active Open Space 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Amenity Reserve |
| Conservation Reserve |
| Core Mixed Use 4 |
| Education |
| Extractive Industry |
| Low Impact Industrial 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 2 |
| Public Buildings and Institutions |
| Public Car Park |
| Public Open Space |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential: High Impact 2 |
| Residential: High Impact 3 |
| Residential: High Impact 4 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential: Medium Impact 4 (Retirement Village) |
| Road |
| Special Zoning |
| Suburban Office 2 |
| Tourist Residential 1 (Caravan Park) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utilities Facility |
| Active Open Space 1 (Private Open Space) |
| Active Open Space 2 (Beach Front Recreation) |
| Agriculture 1 |
| Agriculture 2 |
| Agriculture 3 |
| Cemetery |
| Conservation |
| Core Mixed Use 2 (Public Garage) |
| District Roads (18 m Reserve) |
| Future Development |
| Imizi/ Rural/ Transitional Dense Settlements |
| Imizi/ Rural/ Transitional Scattered Settlements |
| Institution 1 |
| Local Road Reserves |
| Low Impact Industry 1 |
| Low Impact Industry 2 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Low Impact Mixed Use 3 |
| Medium Impact Industry |
| Medium Impact Mixed Use 1 |
| Medium Impact Residential 2 |
| National Roads (60 m Reserve) |
| Private Conservation |
| Private Education |
| Provincial Roads (30 m Reserve) |
| Public Buildings (Administration) |
| Public Education |
| Public Open Space |
| Quarrying and Mining |
| Railway |
| Residential Medium Impact 1 |
| Residential Medium Impact 2 |
| Residential Only 1 |
| Residential Only 2 |
| Residential Only 3 |
| Residential Only 4 |
| Residential Only 5 |
| Residential Only 6 |
| River Reserve |
| Servitude |
| Tourist Residential 1 |
| Tourist Residential 2 |
| Tourist Residential 2 (Resort) |
| Tourist Residential 3 (Guest Lodge) |
| Utility Facility |
| Worship 1 |
| Worship 2 |